Here the link to the the video event on ITC official website: and on the official Facebook ITC page.
COVID-19 had struck heavily the pubblic health system and all the society sectors. One of the sectors most involved in this crisis is the economy. Small and medium companies are the ones hit hardest, suffering the most.
The International Trade Center (ITC), is an agency within United Nations that helps the small and medium companies within countries with growing economy. ITC recently created a web TV event “The great lockdown and it’s impact on small business”.
I had the opportunity to participate to the project creating th Visual Identity of the event and applying it to the event video graphics and other ditial assets.
The brief was to have a strong link between the event and the ITC Visual Identity and to create a positive and dynamic visual, in contrast to the very serious and demanding theme.
So I chose to use the ITC Cisual Identity classic colors, opting for the light blue as main color, to create strong relation with United Nations Visual Identity too. Magenta has been chose as accent color for all the assets.
Rounded edges lines allowed many dynamics effects with a general positive and unharmfull feeling.
The final animation of my graphics has been realized by Seedstars, the agency which I gave the new event Visual Identity guidelines and all the single elements to edit and animate them.